這是方便IELTS讀書會會員的天地,每人每天應該將自己看到聽到值得分享的東西,放上來與大家分享喔!!! 本讀書會成員有Louis,Barry,Oska,Lillian,Gobby,Mavis,Lica

目前分類:news (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

 The British Antarctic Survey is looking for a plumber at Bird Island research station off South Georgia.

While there will be no call-out charge, frozen pipes and maintaining heating in temperatures of -20C will certainly keep the successful applicant busy.

The £22,340 salary may be low by UK standards, but accommodation is provided and living costs are next to nothing, the Survey says.

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There's been some reaction to reports about changes to the Money Programme, a long established and very effective part of the BBC's business offering.

Whilst I am not responsible for that particular programme, or the changes being made by BBC Current Affairs, I understand there's no intention to reduce the impact or volume of the Money Programme despite some of the reporting.

What is also true is that there has never been a higher level of commitment or dedication to business and economics coverage on BBC News. My department produces 11 hours of broadcast business output every single weekday across various BBC outlets and channels, as well as a constantly updated website for UK and global business news.

We have teams of business journalists based in the US, Asia, India and the Middle East who contribute to our domestic and international coverage. In October we are re-launching Working Lunch, our daily business and finance programme on BBC2, with a new format and extra audience interactivity. It's a project which we are incredibly excited about and which we know will meet a real desire from the audience to know more about the economy and what affects the pound in our pockets.

In addition, our team of specialists including Business Editor Robert Peston and Economics Editor Hugh Pym continue to provide exclusive stories and strong analysis. Robert's current series of 30 minute interviews with top CEO's called Leading Questions has been a real investment in serious business news for BBC News.

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