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Dear all



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Dear all

最難做的IELTS 5 Test 3 Reading 2 單字我已經查好了!!!


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The Consequences of Global Warming On Wildlife

Rising temperatures ravage coral reefs and melt the habitats of polar bears and Antarctic penguins.

Ecosystem Shifts and Species Die-Off
Increasing global temperatures are expected to disrupt ecosystems, pushing to extinction those species that cannot adapt. The first comprehensive assessment of the extinction risk from global warming found that more than 1 million species could be obliterated by 2050 if the current trajectory continues.

Warning signs today:

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Dear all

For ur reference!!!

acquire : 獲得

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Dear All

For ur Reference!!

achieve : 完成,實現

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Step 1:

首先先進入  docs.google.com.tw

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To cover or not to cover

The programme that I produce - World News America - has as its primary mission to bring smart and sophisticated BBC coverage of international issues and events to an American audience.

But we also aspire to offer distinctive coverage of stories inside America, and in the ten months since we launched the program, that has mainly meant covering Presidential politics.

Of course there's no shortage of political reporting in the US at the moment; frankly, it's more like a glut. So our effort, as I've said before, is to focus on the quality of our coverage rather than the quantity.

Last week provides an interesting example. We made a deliberate decision to steer clear of the whole flap over the McCain campaign ad comparing Obama to Britney and Paris, and the subsequent back-and-forth about whether Obama had or had not "played the race card."

It all struck me as much ado about nothing...campaigns and candidates cynically trying to throw each other off-stride, nothing at all to do with the really important problems facing the country; precisely the kind of stuff that has made so many Americans so fed up with our current politics.

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Dear all my man..

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